February 14-16, 2025
Up to 115 Football Sessions
The heart and soul of Glazier Clinics: in-depth coverage of cutting-edge topics by top coaches.
Improve as a Coordinator by attending sessions that are focused on game planning, practice planning, game situations, and organization. View Coordinator School Speakers & Topics
Get valuable tools to help elevate your program's culture and meet/network with other like-minded head coaches at Bender's Bar & Grill, Friday, 12:00 - 1:30pm. Click here to sign up for FREE. **Only for Head Coaches**
Learn and implement a new approach to leadership, and watch your program’s culture transform. View Topics.
These sessions are free to attend for coaches of any sport. *Non-Season Pass holders Register Here*
Coach meetups are designed to encourage building your network. They will consist of round table discussions and open conversations between coaches of similar positions.
• Kansas City Clinic Feb 7-9
8 Man Sessions
Coordinator School
Iron Giants Strength Summit
• Las Vegas Clinic Feb 20-23
Coordinator School
Head Coach Academy
Iron Giants Strength Summit
**Subject to change**

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The best speakers
The most topics at every event
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Football Clinic Schedule
Speakers and topics are subject to change
Friday February 14
Friday Morning- Leadership Summit Presented by Hudl
Session 1
9:30 - 10:25 AM
Session 2
10:40 - 11:35 AM
Tyler Johnson
Positive Coaching Alliance
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
How Leaders Can Develop Positive Motivation: Getting the Best from Today's Athletes
Culture Building for Leaders: Honoring the Game
Friday - Head Coach Luncheon
Session 1
12:00 - 1:30 PM
Head Coach
ROOM: Bender's Bar & Grill - 10710 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CO 80020
Please join us for a free luncheon for head coaches only with guest speaker, Jay Sawvel (Head Coach at Wyoming), at Bender's Bar & Grill. Space is limited so please click here to register for free.
Friday Afternoon
Session 1
2:30 - 3:20 PM
Session 2
3:45 - 4:35 PM
Session 3
5:00 - 5:50 PM
Brandon Ally
University of Louisville / S2 Cognition
PHD Sports Neuroscience / Co-Founder
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Developing Dynamic Decision Makers: The Cognitive Side of Eye Discipline
Phillip Blackwell
NFL Regional Combines
National Field Dir
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Combination Blitzes & Zone Blitzes out of the 4-3 Defense
4-3 Quarters Coverage: Match-Up Zone
Aaron Bohl
DC/LB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Wyoming Tackling Types & Drills
LB Fundamentals & Drills
Defensive Game Planning Emphasis & Schedule
Ben Bolling
Houston Texans
Asst Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
DB Philosophy & Fundamentals
Game Planning from a Secondary Perspective
Zone Coverage & Adjustments
Kris Cotterman
Pueblo Central HS, CO
Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
How to Develop Undersized O-Linemen with Simple Technique & Drills
Michael Echaves
Troy HS, CA
Head Coach
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Hybrid Wing-T: Blending Spread Concepts with the Traditional Wing-T
Mastering the Wing-T: Attacking the Edge for Big Plays
Systematizing Leadership & Accountability Development
Levi Gallas
Adams State
New Head Coach
ROOM: Standley I
Defensive Game Plan & Structure for Defending Hurry-Up Offenses
Defensive Practice Planning for Tackling, Block Shed, Turnovers, & Pass Rush
D-Line Pass Rush: Speed, Power, & Counter
Tim Horton
Air Force
Spec Teams Coord/RB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Developing Your Program & RB's for Success: Every Day Drills, Ball Security, & Pass Protection
Air Force Punt & Punt Block Scheme & Drills
Greg Jones
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel) Made Simply Fast: Installing Power & All the Variations Off of It
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel): RPO's & Quick Passing Game
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel): Screen Game & Weekly/Daily Practice Schedule
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
O-Line Coach Meet-Up
Defensive Coordinator Meet-Up
LB Coach Meet-Up
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Standley II
New Age Spread Option: Unique/Cutting Edge Approach with Double/Triple Option Gun Schemes with Building Blocks to Defeat Defenses (Liberty/Coastal Similarities)
New Age Spread Option: Cutting Edge RPO Components & PAP/Boots that Mirror Run Schemes
Crafting a Winning Offensive System: Year-Round Coordination Strategies for Building & Developing an Offense, Off-Season Preparation, In-Season Adjustments, & Weekly Game Planning
Friday Early Evening- Marines Session
Session 1
6:00 - 6:45 PM
Captain Hankins
Presented by the United States Marine Corps
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Coaching Beyond the Xs & Os: Developing Leaders Like the Marines Do
Friday Evening
Session 1
6:50 - 7:40 PM
Session 2
8:00 - 8:50 PM
Session 3
8:55 - 9:45 PM
Brandon Ally
University of Louisville / S2 Cognition
PHD Sports Neuroscience / Co-Founder
ROOM: Meadowbrook
The Cognitive Side of Controlled Aggression: Developing Dynamic Decision Makers
Theron Aych
Oklahoma State
WR Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
WR Fundamentals: Release Technique, Route Running, & Perimeter Blocking
WR Fundamentals: Catching Technique & WR EDD's
Passing Game out of the Multiple Spread, Including Quicks, Intermediate, & 4 Verticals
Phillip Blackwell
NFL Regional Combines
National Field Dir
ROOM: Standley II
10 Basic QB Pre-Snap Reads: Slant Read, Stick Read, Inside Sideline Read, Curl Read, Sideline Read, Dig Read, Double Square-in Read, Deep Out Read, Deep Reads, & Man (Single-Coverage) Reads
Ben Bolling
Houston Texans
Asst Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Texans LB Philosophy
LB Block Destruction: Developing Tools to Win
Donald Davis
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Winning with the 4-2-5: Position Play at All 3 Levels of the Defense & Core Defensive Fundamentals & Drills
4-2-5 Defense: Multiple Coverages (Cover 1, 2, 3, & Quarters) & Creating Big Plays with 2-to-1 Reads
4-2-5 Run Fits to Defend vs. Multiple Formations/Personnel Sets & Using the Force Defender to Add to Basic Blitz Package
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
WR Coach Meet-Up
D-Line Coach Meet-Up
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
Ryan Reynolds
Sutter Union HS, CA
Head Coach
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Defending the Wing-T & Gap Scheme Offenses out of the 3-4 Defense
3-4 Defense Practice Organization & Structure in a Platoon System
Building & Sustaining a Winning Program
Kris Rosholt
Chatfield HS, CO
Head Coach
ROOM: Standley I
Screen Game with Run Principles out of the Spread Offense
QB Run Game out of the Spread Offense
Mirroring Play-Action to Run Game out of the Spread Offense
A'lique Terry
O-Line Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
O-Line Hands & Targets in Pass Pro
O-Line: LB Alignment Dictating our Double Teams
O-Line: Handling Games & Twists in Pass Pro
Justin Walterscheid
Northern Colorado
OC/QB Coach
ROOM: Standley II
QB Technique & Drills
Shotgun Dropback Pass 4-Verts Concept out of 2x2, 3x1, & Empty
Andrew Zimmer
Spec Teams Analyst
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Spread vs. Pro Punt Coverage: The Why's & How
Kickoff Coverage: Winning in the Hard Hat Zone & Ways to Leverage the Ball
Friday Morning- Leadership Summit Presented by Hudl
Session 1
9:30 - 10:25 AM
How Leaders Can Develop Positive Motivation: Getting the Best from Today's Athletes
Tyler Johnson
Positive Coaching Alliance
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Session 2
10:40 - 11:35 AM
Culture Building for Leaders: Honoring the Game
Tyler Johnson
Positive Coaching Alliance
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Friday - Head Coach Luncheon
Session 1
12:00 - 1:30 PM
Please join us for a free luncheon for head coaches only with guest speaker, Jay Sawvel (Head Coach at Wyoming), at Bender's Bar & Grill. Space is limited so please click here to register for free.
Head Coach
ROOM: Bender's Bar & Grill - 10710 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CO 80020
Friday Afternoon
Session 1
2:30 - 3:20 PM
Developing Dynamic Decision Makers: The Cognitive Side of Eye Discipline
Brandon Ally
PHD Sports Neuroscience / Co-Founder
University of Louisville / S2 Cognition
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Wyoming Tackling Types & Drills
Aaron Bohl
DC/LB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
DB Philosophy & Fundamentals
Ben Bolling
Asst Coach
Houston Texans
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
How to Develop Undersized O-Linemen with Simple Technique & Drills
Kris Cotterman
Head Coach
Pueblo Central HS, CO
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Hybrid Wing-T: Blending Spread Concepts with the Traditional Wing-T
Michael Echaves
Head Coach
Troy HS, CA
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Defensive Game Plan & Structure for Defending Hurry-Up Offenses
Levi Gallas
New Head Coach
Adams State
ROOM: Standley I
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel) Made Simply Fast: Installing Power & All the Variations Off of It
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
O-Line Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
New Age Spread Option: Unique/Cutting Edge Approach with Double/Triple Option Gun Schemes with Building Blocks to Defeat Defenses (Liberty/Coastal Similarities)
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Standley II
Session 2
3:45 - 4:35 PM
Combination Blitzes & Zone Blitzes out of the 4-3 Defense
Phillip Blackwell
National Field Dir
NFL Regional Combines
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
LB Fundamentals & Drills
Aaron Bohl
DC/LB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Game Planning from a Secondary Perspective
Ben Bolling
Asst Coach
Houston Texans
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Mastering the Wing-T: Attacking the Edge for Big Plays
Michael Echaves
Head Coach
Troy HS, CA
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Defensive Practice Planning for Tackling, Block Shed, Turnovers, & Pass Rush
Levi Gallas
New Head Coach
Adams State
ROOM: Standley I
Developing Your Program & RB's for Success: Every Day Drills, Ball Security, & Pass Protection
Tim Horton
Spec Teams Coord/RB Coach
Air Force
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel): RPO's & Quick Passing Game
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Defensive Coordinator Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
New Age Spread Option: Cutting Edge RPO Components & PAP/Boots that Mirror Run Schemes
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Standley II
Session 3
5:00 - 5:50 PM
4-3 Quarters Coverage: Match-Up Zone
Phillip Blackwell
National Field Dir
NFL Regional Combines
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Defensive Game Planning Emphasis & Schedule
Aaron Bohl
DC/LB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Zone Coverage & Adjustments
Ben Bolling
Asst Coach
Houston Texans
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Systematizing Leadership & Accountability Development
Michael Echaves
Head Coach
Troy HS, CA
ROOM: Meadowbrook
D-Line Pass Rush: Speed, Power, & Counter
Levi Gallas
New Head Coach
Adams State
ROOM: Standley I
Air Force Punt & Punt Block Scheme & Drills
Tim Horton
Spec Teams Coord/RB Coach
Air Force
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel): Screen Game & Weekly/Daily Practice Schedule
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
LB Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
Crafting a Winning Offensive System: Year-Round Coordination Strategies for Building & Developing an Offense, Off-Season Preparation, In-Season Adjustments, & Weekly Game Planning
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Standley II
Friday Early Evening- Marines Session
Session 1
6:00 - 6:45 PM
Coaching Beyond the Xs & Os: Developing Leaders Like the Marines Do
Captain Hankins
Presented by the United States Marine Corps
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Friday Evening
Session 1
6:50 - 7:40 PM
WR Fundamentals: Release Technique, Route Running, & Perimeter Blocking
Theron Aych
WR Coach
Oklahoma State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Texans LB Philosophy
Ben Bolling
Asst Coach
Houston Texans
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Winning with the 4-2-5: Position Play at All 3 Levels of the Defense & Core Defensive Fundamentals & Drills
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
WR Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Defending the Wing-T & Gap Scheme Offenses out of the 3-4 Defense
Ryan Reynolds
Head Coach
Sutter Union HS, CA
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Screen Game with Run Principles out of the Spread Offense
Kris Rosholt
Head Coach
Chatfield HS, CO
ROOM: Standley I
O-Line Hands & Targets in Pass Pro
A'lique Terry
O-Line Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
QB Technique & Drills
Justin Walterscheid
OC/QB Coach
Northern Colorado
ROOM: Standley II
Spread vs. Pro Punt Coverage: The Why's & How
Andrew Zimmer
Spec Teams Analyst
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Session 2
8:00 - 8:50 PM
WR Fundamentals: Catching Technique & WR EDD's
Theron Aych
WR Coach
Oklahoma State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
LB Block Destruction: Developing Tools to Win
Ben Bolling
Asst Coach
Houston Texans
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
4-2-5 Defense: Multiple Coverages (Cover 1, 2, 3, & Quarters) & Creating Big Plays with 2-to-1 Reads
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
D-Line Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
3-4 Defense Practice Organization & Structure in a Platoon System
Ryan Reynolds
Head Coach
Sutter Union HS, CA
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
QB Run Game out of the Spread Offense
Kris Rosholt
Head Coach
Chatfield HS, CO
ROOM: Standley I
O-Line: LB Alignment Dictating our Double Teams
A'lique Terry
O-Line Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Shotgun Dropback Pass 4-Verts Concept out of 2x2, 3x1, & Empty
Justin Walterscheid
OC/QB Coach
Northern Colorado
ROOM: Standley II
Kickoff Coverage: Winning in the Hard Hat Zone & Ways to Leverage the Ball
Andrew Zimmer
Spec Teams Analyst
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Session 3
8:55 - 9:45 PM
The Cognitive Side of Controlled Aggression: Developing Dynamic Decision Makers
Brandon Ally
PHD Sports Neuroscience / Co-Founder
University of Louisville / S2 Cognition
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Passing Game out of the Multiple Spread, Including Quicks, Intermediate, & 4 Verticals
Theron Aych
WR Coach
Oklahoma State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
10 Basic QB Pre-Snap Reads: Slant Read, Stick Read, Inside Sideline Read, Curl Read, Sideline Read, Dig Read, Double Square-in Read, Deep Out Read, Deep Reads, & Man (Single-Coverage) Reads
Phillip Blackwell
National Field Dir
NFL Regional Combines
ROOM: Standley II
4-2-5 Run Fits to Defend vs. Multiple Formations/Personnel Sets & Using the Force Defender to Add to Basic Blitz Package
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Building & Sustaining a Winning Program
Ryan Reynolds
Head Coach
Sutter Union HS, CA
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Mirroring Play-Action to Run Game out of the Spread Offense
Kris Rosholt
Head Coach
Chatfield HS, CO
ROOM: Standley I
O-Line: Handling Games & Twists in Pass Pro
A'lique Terry
O-Line Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Saturday February 15
Saturday Early Morning- FCA Coaches Breakfast
Session 1
7:00 - 8:00 AM
Andy Lowry
Presented by Fellowship of Christian Athletes
ROOM: Bender's Bar & Grill - 10710 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CO 80020
Coaching with Purpose
Saturday Morning
Session 1
8:30 - 9:20 AM
Session 2
9:45 - 10:35 AM
Session 3
11:00 - 11:50 AM
Neema Behbahani
LB Coach
ROOM: Standley I
Defending 11 Personnel Formations with Sim Pressures out of the 4-2-5 Defense
Developing Your In-Season Defensive Practice Plan
Donald Davis
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Fast & Furious: 3x1 Spread Passing Concepts to Beat Multiple Coverages
Fast & Furious: Multiple Spread Gap & Zone Scheme Run Game
Fast & Furious: Attacking Defenses with 1-Word Tempo & RPO Play Calls
Lucas Gunkel
Chatfield HS, CO
ROOM: Standley II
Alignment, Assignment, & Run Fits out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Split Field & Other Coverage Concepts out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Defending Empty & Trips Formations out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Sam Hullender
Asst Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
RPO Game out of the SMU Power Spread Offense
Base Down Pass out of the SMU Power Spread Offense
Building Your Offense Around the QB
Phil McGeoghan
St. Louis Battlehawks
WR Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Building a Complete WR: Fundamentals & Drills for Stance/Start, Catching, Ball Security, & YAC
Teaching WR's to Win on the Perimeter: Releases & Blocking Drills/Technique
3rd Down Crossing Route Concepts out of Spread/10 & 11 Personnel Bunch Formations
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
QB Coach Meet-Up
Offensive Coordinator Meet-Up
DB Coach Meet-Up
Chuka Ndulue
Colorado State
D-Line Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
D-Line Block Destruction Fundamentals & Drills
D-Line Stunts
D-Line Pass Rush Fundamentals & Drills
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
Ryan Reynolds
Sutter Union HS, CA
Head Coach
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Sweep Till They Weep: Multiple Variations of the Buck Sweep out of the Wing Fusion Offense
Read Option & RPO's out of the Wing Fusion Offense
Belly Series out of the Wing Fusion Offense
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Meadowbrook
YOUTH TOPIC: The 90 Minute Youth Practice - Get the Most Out of Your Time
YOUTH TOPIC: Developing & Engaging Kids/Assistant Coaches at the Youth Level in Relevant Football Skills to Be Successful No Matter Scheme
YOUTH TOPIC: Aligning/Teaching ALL Schematics to the Ability Level of Your Team including Offense & Defense
Panel Session
ROOM: Standley I
30 Rapid-Fire Practice Organization Ideas
Kris Cotterman - Head Coach, Pueblo Central HS, CO
Rob Creason - Head Coach, Oak Grove HS, NC
Zach Carlton - Head Coach, Palmer Ridge HS, CO
Saturday Early Afternoon
Session 1
12:00 - 12:45 PM
Riddell & Guest Panel
Riddell: Hosted by Denver Broncos Foundation
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Hear firsthand from coaching and equipment staff about their use of Riddell Smart Helmets and InSite Analytics to enhance player protection and performance.
**Snacks Provided
Saturday Afternoon
Session 1
1:30 - 2:20 PM
Session 2
2:45 - 3:35 PM
Session 3
4:00 - 4:50 PM
Tucker Barnard
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
Head Coach
ROOM: Standley I
Developing Champions Together: Engaging your Players, Families, & Community for Success
Multiplicity in the Hurry Up Spread Run Game: Utilizing Formations, Motions, Tempo with Gap & Zone Schemes
Protecting The Spread Run: Shots & Gadgets
Eric Donoval
Dir of Sports Performance
ROOM: Standley II
Off-Season Field Work: Speed Training & Other Training Qualities
Off-Season Weight Room Plan: Power Development & Velocity Based Training
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Installation of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense to Combat the Spread Offense: Philosophy, Personnel, Alignment, & Adjustments
Effectively Using the Halfway Player out of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense: Taking the Conflict Player out of Conflict
Creating Blitz Match-Ups to Effectively Pressure the Offense out of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense: Getting off the Grass on 3rd Down, Blitzes, Eliminating the RPO with the Blitz Game, & Other Ideas to Make the Offense Prepare for You
Tyler Johnson
Positive Coaching Alliance
ROOM: Standley II
Pursuit of Peak Performance
Greg Jones
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
How to Use Tempo With One Word Plays & Offensive Coaching Staff Responsibilities to Execute the Game Plan
Teaching & Drilling the Spread Shield Punt, Including a Fake Off It with Several Adjustments
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Weekend & Daily Defensive Game Planning
Steed Lobotzke
Air Force
O-Line Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
O-Line Run Game Steps, Pad Level, & Finish
The Fundamentals of Teaching Your O-Line to Block Trap
Keeping Pass Pro Simple for Your O-Line
Wesley McGriff
CB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
DB Quarters Coverage & Technique
Winning in Man-to-Man Coverage: DB Press & Off Man
Teaching Elite Tackling Technique
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
RB Coach Meet-Up
Head Coach Meet-Up
Special Teams Coordinator Meet-Up
Joe Morris
New Mexico State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Run Fits out of 4-2-5 Defense
4-Down Fundamentals for Stopping the Run with the D-Line: 1-Gap & 2-Gap Techniques
D-Line Stunts & Line Movements Used for Run Situations
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
Jared Yannacito
Ralston Valley HS, CO
Head Coach
ROOM: Meadowbrook
How to Rebuild/Rebrand a Program from the Ground Up: Culture Building, Setting Your Standard, Staff Expectations, Player Growth & Much More
Developing an Offensive Game Plan as an OC: Steps Through the Week to Have an Efficient & Effective Gameplan
Panel Session
ROOM: Meadowbrook
30 Rapid-Fire Game Planning Ideas
Chase Kyser - OC, Adams State
Zach Carlton - Head Coach, Palmer Ridge HS, CO
Mark Holcomb - Dir of HS Relations, Wake Forest
Saturday Evening
Session 1
6:50 - 7:40 PM
Session 2
7:45 - 8:35 PM
Donald Davis
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Crafting a Unified Game Plan for Offense, Defense, & Special Teams
Moving Seamlessly between the 4-2-5 & 3-3 Defenses To Confuse Offenses
Greg Jones
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Defending Mesh out of Base 3-3 Quarters Coverage
The Year-Round Football Program: 12 Month Game Plan
Joe McLain
Western Colorado
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Four Verticals Spread Passing Game: Schemes and Rules for Attacking Defenses
Play Action and Moving the Pocket out of Spread: Creating Variation in Your Offense
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
New Age Spread Option: Maximizing Offensive Practice Plan, Team/Group Drills, & Specific Techniques
New Age Spread Option: Breaking the Basic Trends of Spread Offenses to Create a Spread Option Attack That Fits Your Players & How to Build an Offense
Saturday Early Morning- FCA Coaches Breakfast
Session 1
7:00 - 8:00 AM
Coaching with Purpose
Andy Lowry
Presented by Fellowship of Christian Athletes
ROOM: Bender's Bar & Grill - 10710 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CO 80020
Saturday Morning
Session 1
8:30 - 9:20 AM
Defending 11 Personnel Formations with Sim Pressures out of the 4-2-5 Defense
Neema Behbahani
LB Coach
ROOM: Standley I
Fast & Furious: 3x1 Spread Passing Concepts to Beat Multiple Coverages
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Alignment, Assignment, & Run Fits out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Lucas Gunkel
Chatfield HS, CO
ROOM: Standley II
RPO Game out of the SMU Power Spread Offense
Sam Hullender
Asst Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Building a Complete WR: Fundamentals & Drills for Stance/Start, Catching, Ball Security, & YAC
Phil McGeoghan
WR Coach
St. Louis Battlehawks
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
QB Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
D-Line Block Destruction Fundamentals & Drills
Chuka Ndulue
D-Line Coach
Colorado State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Sweep Till They Weep: Multiple Variations of the Buck Sweep out of the Wing Fusion Offense
Ryan Reynolds
Head Coach
Sutter Union HS, CA
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
YOUTH TOPIC: The 90 Minute Youth Practice - Get the Most Out of Your Time
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Session 2
9:45 - 10:35 AM
Developing Your In-Season Defensive Practice Plan
Neema Behbahani
LB Coach
ROOM: Standley I
Fast & Furious: Multiple Spread Gap & Zone Scheme Run Game
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Split Field & Other Coverage Concepts out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Lucas Gunkel
Chatfield HS, CO
ROOM: Standley II
Base Down Pass out of the SMU Power Spread Offense
Sam Hullender
Asst Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Teaching WR's to Win on the Perimeter: Releases & Blocking Drills/Technique
Phil McGeoghan
WR Coach
St. Louis Battlehawks
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Offensive Coordinator Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
D-Line Stunts
Chuka Ndulue
D-Line Coach
Colorado State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Read Option & RPO's out of the Wing Fusion Offense
Ryan Reynolds
Head Coach
Sutter Union HS, CA
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
YOUTH TOPIC: Developing & Engaging Kids/Assistant Coaches at the Youth Level in Relevant Football Skills to Be Successful No Matter Scheme
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Session 3
11:00 - 11:50 AM
Fast & Furious: Attacking Defenses with 1-Word Tempo & RPO Play Calls
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Defending Empty & Trips Formations out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Lucas Gunkel
Chatfield HS, CO
ROOM: Standley II
Building Your Offense Around the QB
Sam Hullender
Asst Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
3rd Down Crossing Route Concepts out of Spread/10 & 11 Personnel Bunch Formations
Phil McGeoghan
WR Coach
St. Louis Battlehawks
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
DB Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
D-Line Pass Rush Fundamentals & Drills
Chuka Ndulue
D-Line Coach
Colorado State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Belly Series out of the Wing Fusion Offense
Ryan Reynolds
Head Coach
Sutter Union HS, CA
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
YOUTH TOPIC: Aligning/Teaching ALL Schematics to the Ability Level of Your Team including Offense & Defense
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Panel Session
30 Rapid-Fire Practice Organization Ideas
Kris Cotterman - Head Coach, Pueblo Central HS, CO
Rob Creason - Head Coach, Oak Grove HS, NC
Zach Carlton - Head Coach, Palmer Ridge HS, CO
ROOM: Standley I
Saturday Early Afternoon
Session 1
12:00 - 12:45 PM
Hear firsthand from coaching and equipment staff about their use of Riddell Smart Helmets and InSite Analytics to enhance player protection and performance.
**Snacks Provided
Riddell & Guest Panel
Riddell: Hosted by Denver Broncos Foundation
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Saturday Afternoon
Session 1
1:30 - 2:20 PM
Developing Champions Together: Engaging your Players, Families, & Community for Success
Tucker Barnard
Head Coach
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
ROOM: Standley I
Off-Season Field Work: Speed Training & Other Training Qualities
Eric Donoval
Dir of Sports Performance
ROOM: Standley II
Installation of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense to Combat the Spread Offense: Philosophy, Personnel, Alignment, & Adjustments
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
How to Use Tempo With One Word Plays & Offensive Coaching Staff Responsibilities to Execute the Game Plan
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
O-Line Run Game Steps, Pad Level, & Finish
Steed Lobotzke
O-Line Coach
Air Force
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
DB Quarters Coverage & Technique
Wesley McGriff
CB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
RB Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
Run Fits out of 4-2-5 Defense
Joe Morris
New Mexico State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Panel Session
30 Rapid-Fire Game Planning Ideas
Chase Kyser - OC, Adams State
Zach Carlton - Head Coach, Palmer Ridge HS, CO
Mark Holcomb - Dir of HS Relations, Wake Forest
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Session 2
2:45 - 3:35 PM
Multiplicity in the Hurry Up Spread Run Game: Utilizing Formations, Motions, Tempo with Gap & Zone Schemes
Tucker Barnard
Head Coach
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
ROOM: Standley I
Off-Season Weight Room Plan: Power Development & Velocity Based Training
Eric Donoval
Dir of Sports Performance
ROOM: Standley II
Effectively Using the Halfway Player out of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense: Taking the Conflict Player out of Conflict
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Teaching & Drilling the Spread Shield Punt, Including a Fake Off It with Several Adjustments
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
The Fundamentals of Teaching Your O-Line to Block Trap
Steed Lobotzke
O-Line Coach
Air Force
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Winning in Man-to-Man Coverage: DB Press & Off Man
Wesley McGriff
CB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Head Coach Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
4-Down Fundamentals for Stopping the Run with the D-Line: 1-Gap & 2-Gap Techniques
Joe Morris
New Mexico State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
How to Rebuild/Rebrand a Program from the Ground Up: Culture Building, Setting Your Standard, Staff Expectations, Player Growth & Much More
Jared Yannacito
Head Coach
Ralston Valley HS, CO
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Session 3
4:00 - 4:50 PM
Protecting The Spread Run: Shots & Gadgets
Tucker Barnard
Head Coach
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
ROOM: Standley I
Creating Blitz Match-Ups to Effectively Pressure the Offense out of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense: Getting off the Grass on 3rd Down, Blitzes, Eliminating the RPO with the Blitz Game, & Other Ideas to Make the Offense Prepare for You
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Pursuit of Peak Performance
Tyler Johnson
Positive Coaching Alliance
ROOM: Standley II
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Weekend & Daily Defensive Game Planning
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Cotton Creek I/II
Keeping Pass Pro Simple for Your O-Line
Steed Lobotzke
O-Line Coach
Air Force
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Teaching Elite Tackling Technique
Wesley McGriff
CB Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Special Teams Coordinator Meet-Up
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
ROOM: Waverly
D-Line Stunts & Line Movements Used for Run Situations
Joe Morris
New Mexico State
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Developing an Offensive Game Plan as an OC: Steps Through the Week to Have an Efficient & Effective Gameplan
Jared Yannacito
Head Coach
Ralston Valley HS, CO
ROOM: Meadowbrook
Saturday Evening
Session 1
6:50 - 7:40 PM
Crafting a Unified Game Plan for Offense, Defense, & Special Teams
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
Defending Mesh out of Base 3-3 Quarters Coverage
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Four Verticals Spread Passing Game: Schemes and Rules for Attacking Defenses
Joe McLain
Western Colorado
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
New Age Spread Option: Maximizing Offensive Practice Plan, Team/Group Drills, & Specific Techniques
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Session 2
7:45 - 8:35 PM
Moving Seamlessly between the 4-2-5 & 3-3 Defenses To Confuse Offenses
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom I
The Year-Round Football Program: 12 Month Game Plan
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Play Action and Moving the Pocket out of Spread: Creating Variation in Your Offense
Joe McLain
Western Colorado
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
New Age Spread Option: Breaking the Basic Trends of Spread Offenses to Create a Spread Option Attack That Fits Your Players & How to Build an Offense
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom II
Sunday February 16
Sunday Morning
Session 1
8:30 - 9:20 AM
Session 2
9:25 - 10:15 AM
Tucker Barnard
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
Head Coach
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Protecting Your Spread Gap & Zone Run: Run Pass Options & Pass Run Options that Anyone Can Execute
Game Week Planning A to Z: Practice Planning to Maximize Your Time
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Multiple Ways to Defend 11/20 Personnel with the Tite Front & Hybrid 3-4 Defense
Building the 3-High Defense from the Ground Up
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
Sunday Morning
Session 1
8:30 - 9:20 AM
Protecting Your Spread Gap & Zone Run: Run Pass Options & Pass Run Options that Anyone Can Execute
Tucker Barnard
Head Coach
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Multiple Ways to Defend 11/20 Personnel with the Tite Front & Hybrid 3-4 Defense
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
Stop by Riddell's Exhibit Space to learn and ask questions about InSite Analytics, Axiom, and the Denver Broncos Foundation ALL IN. ALL COVERED. program
InSite Analytics Q&A
ROOM: Riddell Booth
Session 2
9:25 - 10:15 AM
Game Week Planning A to Z: Practice Planning to Maximize Your Time
Tucker Barnard
Head Coach
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom III
Building the 3-High Defense from the Ground Up
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
ROOM: Westminster Ballroom IV
In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our Coordinator School sessions will give you the tools to take you to the next level with topics covering a variety of areas, including game planning, practice planning, game situations, and leading a staff.
In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our Coordinator School sessions will give you the tools to take you to the next level with topics covering a variety of areas, including game planning, practice planning, game situations, and leading a staff.
Levi Gallas
Adams State
New Head Coach
Defensive Game Plan & Structure for Defending Hurry-Up Offenses
Friday 2:30 PM
Defensive Practice Planning for Tackling, Block Shed, Turnovers, & Pass Rush
Friday 3:45 PM
Aaron Bohl
DC/LB Coach
Wyoming Tackling Types & Drills
Friday 2:30 PM
Defensive Game Planning Emphasis & Schedule
Friday 5:00 PM
Ben Bolling
Houston Texans
Asst Coach
Game Planning from a Secondary Perspective
Friday 3:45 PM
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
Defensive Coordinator Meet-Up
Friday 3:45 PM
Offensive Coordinator Meet-Up
Saturday 9:45 AM
Greg Jones
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel): Screen Game & Weekly/Daily Practice Schedule
Friday 5:00 PM
How to Use Tempo With One Word Plays & Offensive Coaching Staff Responsibilities to Execute the Game Plan
Saturday 1:30 PM
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Weekend & Daily Defensive Game Planning
Saturday 4:00 PM
Defending Mesh out of Base 3-3 Quarters Coverage
Saturday 6:50 PM
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
Crafting a Winning Offensive System: Year-Round Coordination Strategies for Building & Developing an Offense, Off-Season Preparation, In-Season Adjustments, & Weekly Game Planning
Friday 5:00 PM
New Age Spread Option: Maximizing Offensive Practice Plan, Team/Group Drills, & Specific Techniques
Saturday 6:50 PM
New Age Spread Option: Breaking the Basic Trends of Spread Offenses to Create a Spread Option Attack That Fits Your Players & How to Build an Offense
Saturday 7:45 PM
Ryan Reynolds
Sutter Union HS, CA
Head Coach
Defending the Wing-T & Gap Scheme Offenses out of the 3-4 Defense
Friday 6:50 PM
3-4 Defense Practice Organization & Structure in a Platoon System
Friday 8:00 PM
Neema Behbahani
LB Coach
Defending 11 Personnel Formations with Sim Pressures out of the 4-2-5 Defense
Saturday 8:30 AM
Developing Your In-Season Defensive Practice Plan
Saturday 9:45 AM
Donald Davis
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
Head Coach
Fast & Furious: 3x1 Spread Passing Concepts to Beat Multiple Coverages
Saturday 8:30 AM
Moving Seamlessly between the 4-2-5 & 3-3 Defenses To Confuse Offenses
Saturday 7:45 PM
Phil McGeoghan
St. Louis Battlehawks
WR Coach
3rd Down Crossing Route Concepts out of Spread/10 & 11 Personnel Bunch Formations
Saturday 11:00 AM
Sam Hullender
Asst Coach
Building Your Offense Around the QB
Saturday 11:00 AM
Lucas Gunkel
Chatfield HS, CO
Defending Empty & Trips Formations out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Saturday 11:00 AM
Tucker Barnard
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
Head Coach
Multiplicity in the Hurry Up Spread Run Game: Utilizing Formations, Motions, Tempo with Gap & Zone Schemes
Saturday 2:45 PM
Game Week Planning A to Z: Practice Planning to Maximize Your Time
Sunday 9:25 AM
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
Creating Blitz Match-Ups to Effectively Pressure the Offense out of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense: Getting off the Grass on 3rd Down, Blitzes, Eliminating the RPO with the Blitz Game, & Other Ideas to Make the Offense Prepare for You
Saturday 4:00 PM
Multiple Ways to Defend 11/20 Personnel with the Tite Front & Hybrid 3-4 Defense
Sunday 8:30 AM
Building the 3-High Defense from the Ground Up
Sunday 9:25 AM
Wesley McGriff
CB Coach
Teaching Elite Tackling Technique
Saturday 4:00 PM
Jared Yannacito
Ralston Valley HS, CO
Head Coach
Developing an Offensive Game Plan as an OC: Steps Through the Week to Have an Efficient & Effective Gameplan
Saturday 4:00 PM
Tucker Barnard
Head Coach
Shiloh Christian HS, AR
Multiplicity in the Hurry Up Spread Run Game: Utilizing Formations, Motions, Tempo with Gap & Zone Schemes
Saturday 2:45 PM
Game Week Planning A to Z: Practice Planning to Maximize Your Time
Sunday 9:25 AM
Neema Behbahani
LB Coach
Defending 11 Personnel Formations with Sim Pressures out of the 4-2-5 Defense
Saturday 8:30 AM
Developing Your In-Season Defensive Practice Plan
Saturday 9:45 AM
Aaron Bohl
DC/LB Coach
Wyoming Tackling Types & Drills
Friday 2:30 PM
Defensive Game Planning Emphasis & Schedule
Friday 5:00 PM
Ben Bolling
Asst Coach
Houston Texans
Game Planning from a Secondary Perspective
Friday 3:45 PM
Donald Davis
Head Coach
Mount Saint Joseph HS, MD
Fast & Furious: 3x1 Spread Passing Concepts to Beat Multiple Coverages
Saturday 8:30 AM
Moving Seamlessly between the 4-2-5 & 3-3 Defenses To Confuse Offenses
Saturday 7:45 PM
Levi Gallas
New Head Coach
Adams State
Defensive Game Plan & Structure for Defending Hurry-Up Offenses
Friday 2:30 PM
Defensive Practice Planning for Tackling, Block Shed, Turnovers, & Pass Rush
Friday 3:45 PM
Ty Gower
Plano West HS, TX
Creating Blitz Match-Ups to Effectively Pressure the Offense out of the Hybrid 3-4 Tite Front Defense: Getting off the Grass on 3rd Down, Blitzes, Eliminating the RPO with the Blitz Game, & Other Ideas to Make the Offense Prepare for You
Saturday 4:00 PM
Multiple Ways to Defend 11/20 Personnel with the Tite Front & Hybrid 3-4 Defense
Sunday 8:30 AM
Building the 3-High Defense from the Ground Up
Sunday 9:25 AM
Lucas Gunkel
Chatfield HS, CO
Defending Empty & Trips Formations out of the Chatfield Multiple 3-3 Defense
Saturday 11:00 AM
Sam Hullender
Asst Coach
Building Your Offense Around the QB
Saturday 11:00 AM
Greg Jones
MO State Football Coaches Association HOF Inductee
Recent College Coach at Central Missouri & Oregon/24-Year HS Head Coach
Gold Rush Offense (22/11 Personnel): Screen Game & Weekly/Daily Practice Schedule
Friday 5:00 PM
How to Use Tempo With One Word Plays & Offensive Coaching Staff Responsibilities to Execute the Game Plan
Saturday 1:30 PM
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail: Weekend & Daily Defensive Game Planning
Saturday 4:00 PM
Defending Mesh out of Base 3-3 Quarters Coverage
Saturday 6:50 PM
Phil McGeoghan
WR Coach
St. Louis Battlehawks
3rd Down Crossing Route Concepts out of Spread/10 & 11 Personnel Bunch Formations
Saturday 11:00 AM
Wesley McGriff
CB Coach
Teaching Elite Tackling Technique
Saturday 4:00 PM
Coach Meet-Ups
Meet & Network with Like Minded Coaches
Defensive Coordinator Meet-Up
Friday 3:45 PM
Offensive Coordinator Meet-Up
Saturday 9:45 AM
Ryan Reynolds
Head Coach
Sutter Union HS, CA
Defending the Wing-T & Gap Scheme Offenses out of the 3-4 Defense
Friday 6:50 PM
3-4 Defense Practice Organization & Structure in a Platoon System
Friday 8:00 PM
Jared Rolfes
Oak Grove HS, NC
Crafting a Winning Offensive System: Year-Round Coordination Strategies for Building & Developing an Offense, Off-Season Preparation, In-Season Adjustments, & Weekly Game Planning
Friday 5:00 PM
New Age Spread Option: Maximizing Offensive Practice Plan, Team/Group Drills, & Specific Techniques
Saturday 6:50 PM
New Age Spread Option: Breaking the Basic Trends of Spread Offenses to Create a Spread Option Attack That Fits Your Players & How to Build an Offense
Saturday 7:45 PM
Jared Yannacito
Head Coach
Ralston Valley HS, CO
Developing an Offensive Game Plan as an OC: Steps Through the Week to Have an Efficient & Effective Gameplan
Saturday 4:00 PM
Hotel Information
Westin Westminster
Feb 14-16 2025
10600 Westminster BlvdWestminster, CO 80020
Discounted Room Rate:
Single/Double: $155.00
Reservation Information
Phone: 1(888) 236-2427 - Reference "Glazier Clinics" to receive discounted rate.
Reserve your room by 5pm on Monday, February 3rd, 2025 to receive Glazier discounted rate (subject to room availability). After that, rate depends on hotel availability.

Location & Parking
Westin Westminster
10600 Westminster BlvdWestminster, CO 80020
Complimentary self parking for all attendees.