February 7-9, 2025


Up to 115 Football Sessions

The heart and soul of Glazier Clinics: in-depth coverage of cutting-edge topics by top coaches.

coordinator school logoImprove as a Coordinator by attending sessions that are focused on game planning, practice planning, game situations, and organization. View Coordinator School Speakers & Topics

8-man clinic_NewSome of the best small program coaches share schemes, drills, formations, and strategies to help you run a winning 8-Man program. View 8-Man Sessions Speakers & Topics.

irongiants winter tour logoGain valuable insights from top strength coaches and network with peers who share a passion for athletic development. View Strength Summit Speakers & Topics

Coach SocialJoin us for a Friday evening social Presented by the GKCFCA (Greater Kansas City Football Coaches Association.) Network, talk ball on whiteboards, and share drinks with your peers. All attendees will receive two free drink tickets.


St. Louis Clinic Feb 20-23
Iron Giants Strength Summit


**Subject to change**

George Barnett
Jim Zebrowski
Rickey Hunley 2
Brian Anderson


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  The most topics at every event

  Deep dive into the Xs and Os of football

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Football Clinic Schedule

Speakers and topics are subject to change

  Friday   February 7

Friday Morning - Iron Giants Strength Summit

Session 1

9:30 - 10:15 AM

Session 2

10:40 - 11:25 AM

Session 3

11:50 - 12:35 PM

Joe Belden - Presented by RackCoach

Friends University (KS)

Asst AD of Athletic Performance

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Optimization of In-Season Training: Using Clusters, Oscillations, Performance Cycling & Dynamic Power Potentiation to Optimize Performance Transfer & Recovery

Pat Doyle - Presented by the NHSSCA

Grand Island HS, NE

Head Strength & Cond Coach

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Keys to Success: Simple S&C Tools to Improve Football Performance

Protecting the Football Athlete: Injury Mitigation & Enhanced Performance Through Exercise Selection

Friday Afternoon

Session 1

1:30 - 2:20 PM

Session 2

2:45 - 3:35 PM

Session 3

4:00 - 4:50 PM

George Barnett


O-Line Coach

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Keys to Developing Young O-Linemen

O-Line Run Block Fundamentals & Drills

O-Line Pass Protection Fundamentals & Drills

Mitch Engelken

Johnson-Brock HS, NE

Head Coach

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Spread RPO's in 8-Man Football

1-Word Play Calls for Up-Tempo Situations in 8-Man Football

8-Man Coaches Conversation — Chalk War: Offense vs. Defense

Rodney Flowers

Bixby HS, OK


ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Introduction to the Spartan 3-4 Defense & Using Two Way Players

Gap Scheme Run Fits out of the 3-4 Defense

Defending Condensed & Empty out of the 3-4 Defense

Josh Lamberson

Central Missouri

Head Coach

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

The Vertical Pass Game out of a Spread Tempo Offense: Applying Pressure to All Defensive Schemes

Offensive Game Planning & Weekly Scheduling

Program Development & Culture Building

Dub Maddox

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Capology: How to Improve QB Decision Making

Adapt or Die: QB Tactics that 10x Anticipation

Launch Points: QB Mechanics That Matter Most

Jace McDown

Emporia State

Co-DC/DB Coach

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Multiplicity in Fitting the Run with 3 High Safeties

Building Your Weekly Defensive Game Plan

Sam McGriff - Presented by RackCoach

Pembroke Hill HS, MO

Head Strength & Cond Coach

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Programming - Understanding Periodization & Choosing the Right Program for Your School (Exploring 5/3/1, Conjugate, & Tier System)

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Implementing a Strength & Conditioning Program & Creating Culture

Brandon Shelby


DB Coach

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

DB Individual Drills/Man-to-Man Principles

Chris Simpson


LB Coach

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Practice Planning & Development of a Complete LB

James Vint

Estacado HS, TX

Former OC

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Explosive Zone & Zone Read Concepts Married with RPO's from the Gun out of a Multiple Spread/Power Pistol Offense

Installing Gap Schemes & Post-Snap RPO's to Create Big Plays out of a Multiple Spread/Power Pistol Offense

Offensive In-Game Management: Coach Communication, Box vs. Sideline, Player Communication on Sideline, Half-Time Adjustments, & Offensive Situations to Prepare For

Jonathan Wallace


RB Coach

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

RB Pass Protection Tools

Jim Zebrowski


OC/QB Coach

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Hitch Naked Pass Concept: Great Way to Enhance Your Quick Passing Game by Adding a Naked Element

Panel Session

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

30 Rapid-Fire Ways to Improve as a Coordinator

Tyler Blizzard - Staff, Glazier Clinics

Quinn Schafer - OC, John Burroughs HS, MO

Friday Early Evening

Session 1

5:00 - 5:45 PM

Capt Matthew Gant

Presented by the United States Marine Corps

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

How the Marine Corps & Its Values Correlate to High School Football Coaching

Friday Evening

Session 1

6:00 - 6:50 PM

Session 2

7:15 - 8:05 PM

Pat Fox

Notre Dame Prep, MI

Head Coach

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

New Concepts in Deploying the 4-2-5 G-Defense System to Attack Modern Offenses

Employing New Concepts in Man Pressures out of the 4-2-5 G-Defense System: Attacking Modern Run & Pass Schemes

Chuck Hepola

Evangel University (MO)

Head Coach

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Evangel University Special Teams Philosophy, Staff Organization, and Practice Organization & Structure

Evangel's Shield Punt & Punt Block: Skills, Drills, & Schemes

Matt Kardulis

Kansas State

Defensive Analyst

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

DB Skills & Drills

Press Man Technique for Safeties & Nickels

Paul Kempf

Friends University (KS)


ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Blitz Families: You Do Not Have to Guess the Perfect Pressure

Defense Practice Planning: Teaching Concepts with No Scout Offense 

Jim Panagos


DT Coach

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

D-Line Individual Drills

John Perry

Nixa HS, MO

Head Coach

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Pro-Style Power & Counter

Pro-Style Spread RPO's & Play Action

Terrence Samuel


WR Coach

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

WR Fundamentals & Drills: Releases & Blocking

WR Fundamentals & Drills: Route Running

Quinn Schafer

John Burroughs HS, MO


ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Spread Pass Concepts: Mills & 4 Verts Including Syncing QB Footwork to Read Progressions

Spread Spacing Concept Variations Including QB Warm Up Drills that Translate to Game Reps

Zac Sias


Asst Coach

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

D-Line Pass Rush Drills

Rick Stewart

Calipatria HS, CA

Co-Head Coach

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Pistol Wing-T: Reading Unblocked Defenders Off Jet Motion, Including Power Read, Midline, Inside Veer, & Outside Veer Using One Blocking Scheme

RPO's from Pistol Wing-T & A Simple Numbering System to Easily Run 24 Sprint Out Pass Play, Including Wrap Around Sally & 3 Screens Using One Block Concept

Friday Evening Coaches Social - Presented by the GKCFCA

Session 1

8:30 - 10:00 PM

Coaches Social

Presented by the Greater KC Football Coaches Assoc.

ROOM: Century B/C

8:30-8:35pm: Opening Remarks

8:35-8:50pm: Guest Speaker - Lance Leipold, Head Coach, University of Kansas

8:50-10:00pm: Social with Bar

February 7

Friday Morning - Iron Giants Strength Summit

Session 1

9:30 - 10:15 AM

Keys to Success: Simple S&C Tools to Improve Football Performance

Pat Doyle - Presented by the NHSSCA

Head Strength & Cond Coach

Grand Island HS, NE

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Session 2

10:40 - 11:25 AM

Protecting the Football Athlete: Injury Mitigation & Enhanced Performance Through Exercise Selection

Pat Doyle - Presented by the NHSSCA

Head Strength & Cond Coach

Grand Island HS, NE

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Session 3

11:50 - 12:35 PM

Optimization of In-Season Training: Using Clusters, Oscillations, Performance Cycling & Dynamic Power Potentiation to Optimize Performance Transfer & Recovery

Joe Belden - Presented by RackCoach

Asst AD of Athletic Performance

Friends University (KS)

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Friday Afternoon

Session 1

1:30 - 2:20 PM

Keys to Developing Young O-Linemen

George Barnett

O-Line Coach


ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Spread RPO's in 8-Man Football

Mitch Engelken

Head Coach

Johnson-Brock HS, NE

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Introduction to the Spartan 3-4 Defense & Using Two Way Players

Rodney Flowers


Bixby HS, OK

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

The Vertical Pass Game out of a Spread Tempo Offense: Applying Pressure to All Defensive Schemes

Josh Lamberson

Head Coach

Central Missouri

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Capology: How to Improve QB Decision Making

Dub Maddox

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Multiplicity in Fitting the Run with 3 High Safeties

Jace McDown

Co-DC/DB Coach

Emporia State

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Programming - Understanding Periodization & Choosing the Right Program for Your School (Exploring 5/3/1, Conjugate, & Tier System)

Sam McGriff - Presented by RackCoach

Head Strength & Cond Coach

Pembroke Hill HS, MO

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Explosive Zone & Zone Read Concepts Married with RPO's from the Gun out of a Multiple Spread/Power Pistol Offense

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

RB Pass Protection Tools

Jonathan Wallace

RB Coach


ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Session 2

2:45 - 3:35 PM

O-Line Run Block Fundamentals & Drills

George Barnett

O-Line Coach


ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

1-Word Play Calls for Up-Tempo Situations in 8-Man Football

Mitch Engelken

Head Coach

Johnson-Brock HS, NE

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Gap Scheme Run Fits out of the 3-4 Defense

Rodney Flowers


Bixby HS, OK

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Offensive Game Planning & Weekly Scheduling

Josh Lamberson

Head Coach

Central Missouri

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Adapt or Die: QB Tactics that 10x Anticipation

Dub Maddox

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Building Your Weekly Defensive Game Plan

Jace McDown

Co-DC/DB Coach

Emporia State

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Implementing a Strength & Conditioning Program & Creating Culture

Sam McGriff - Presented by RackCoach

Head Strength & Cond Coach

Pembroke Hill HS, MO

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Practice Planning & Development of a Complete LB

Chris Simpson

LB Coach


ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Installing Gap Schemes & Post-Snap RPO's to Create Big Plays out of a Multiple Spread/Power Pistol Offense

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Session 3

4:00 - 4:50 PM

O-Line Pass Protection Fundamentals & Drills

George Barnett

O-Line Coach


ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

8-Man Coaches Conversation — Chalk War: Offense vs. Defense

Mitch Engelken

Head Coach

Johnson-Brock HS, NE

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Defending Condensed & Empty out of the 3-4 Defense

Rodney Flowers


Bixby HS, OK

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Program Development & Culture Building

Josh Lamberson

Head Coach

Central Missouri

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Launch Points: QB Mechanics That Matter Most

Dub Maddox

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

DB Individual Drills/Man-to-Man Principles

Brandon Shelby

DB Coach


ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Panel Session

30 Rapid-Fire Ways to Improve as a Coordinator

Tyler Blizzard - Staff, Glazier Clinics

Quinn Schafer - OC, John Burroughs HS, MO

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Offensive In-Game Management: Coach Communication, Box vs. Sideline, Player Communication on Sideline, Half-Time Adjustments, & Offensive Situations to Prepare For

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Hitch Naked Pass Concept: Great Way to Enhance Your Quick Passing Game by Adding a Naked Element

Jim Zebrowski

OC/QB Coach


ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Friday Early Evening

Session 1

5:00 - 5:45 PM

How the Marine Corps & Its Values Correlate to High School Football Coaching

Capt Matthew Gant

Presented by the United States Marine Corps

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Friday Evening

Session 1

6:00 - 6:50 PM

New Concepts in Deploying the 4-2-5 G-Defense System to Attack Modern Offenses

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Evangel University Special Teams Philosophy, Staff Organization, and Practice Organization & Structure

Chuck Hepola

Head Coach

Evangel University (MO)

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

DB Skills & Drills

Matt Kardulis

Defensive Analyst

Kansas State

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Blitz Families: You Do Not Have to Guess the Perfect Pressure

Paul Kempf


Friends University (KS)

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

D-Line Individual Drills

Jim Panagos

DT Coach


ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Pro-Style Power & Counter

John Perry

Head Coach

Nixa HS, MO

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

WR Fundamentals & Drills: Releases & Blocking

Terrence Samuel

WR Coach


ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Spread Pass Concepts: Mills & 4 Verts Including Syncing QB Footwork to Read Progressions

Quinn Schafer


John Burroughs HS, MO

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Pistol Wing-T: Reading Unblocked Defenders Off Jet Motion, Including Power Read, Midline, Inside Veer, & Outside Veer Using One Blocking Scheme

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Session 2

7:15 - 8:05 PM

Employing New Concepts in Man Pressures out of the 4-2-5 G-Defense System: Attacking Modern Run & Pass Schemes

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Evangel's Shield Punt & Punt Block: Skills, Drills, & Schemes

Chuck Hepola

Head Coach

Evangel University (MO)

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Press Man Technique for Safeties & Nickels

Matt Kardulis

Defensive Analyst

Kansas State

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Defense Practice Planning: Teaching Concepts with No Scout Offense 

Paul Kempf


Friends University (KS)

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Pro-Style Spread RPO's & Play Action

John Perry

Head Coach

Nixa HS, MO

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

WR Fundamentals & Drills: Route Running

Terrence Samuel

WR Coach


ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Spread Spacing Concept Variations Including QB Warm Up Drills that Translate to Game Reps

Quinn Schafer


John Burroughs HS, MO

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

D-Line Pass Rush Drills

Zac Sias

Asst Coach


ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

RPO's from Pistol Wing-T & A Simple Numbering System to Easily Run 24 Sprint Out Pass Play, Including Wrap Around Sally & 3 Screens Using One Block Concept

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Friday Evening Coaches Social - Presented by the GKCFCA

Session 1

8:30 - 10:00 PM

8:30-8:35pm: Opening Remarks

8:35-8:50pm: Guest Speaker - Lance Leipold, Head Coach, University of Kansas

8:50-10:00pm: Social with Bar

Coaches Social

Presented by the Greater KC Football Coaches Assoc.

ROOM: Century B/C

  Saturday   February 8

Saturday Early Morning- FCA Coaches Meet-Up

Session 1

7:15 - 8:00 AM

Todd Berck

Presented by Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Football Representative

ROOM: Crown Center Food Court

Next Play: Preparing Your Program For What's Next

Saturday Morning

Session 1

8:30 - 9:20 AM

Session 2

9:45 - 10:35 AM

Session 3

11:00 - 11:50 AM

Brian Anderson

Kansas State

RB Coach

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Building an Every Down RB with Essential Drills & Fundamentals, Including Ball Security

RB Pass Protection, Route Running, & Weekly Game Prep

Cooper Bassett

Oklahoma State

Co-O-Line Coach

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Building O-Line Standing Operating Procedures "S.O.P.S" for Zone, Gap, & Slide Scheme

Creating a Firmer Pocket Based on Defensive Structure for Your O-Line

Variations of G-Lead for a Spread Offense: O-Line Play, Technique, & Drills

Chuck Hepola

Evangel University (MO)

Head Coach

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Winning the Field Position Battle & Setting the Tempo with Effective 4x6 Layer Kickoff Coverage & Alley/Sideline Kickoff Returns: Skills, Drills, & Schemes

Rickey Hunley


Co-DC/CB Coach

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

DB Press Technique

DB Fundamentals

Disguising Coverages in the Secondary

Matt Jones

Kentucky Country Day, KY

Head Coach

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Starting Out in the Flexbone: Base Plays, Wristbands, & Practice Organization

Running the Triple Option in the Flexbone: When, Why, & Especially How

Midline & Double Option in the Flexbone: Taking the Offense to the Next Level

Dub Maddox

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

What Is Open? How to Accelerate Offensive Game Planning

Offensive Game Film: See What Others Don't

Art of Play Calling: Play Ideas & Probabilities

Ryan Osborn

Oklahoma State

D-Line Coach

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Building D-Line Indy From the Ground Up

4-Man Rush: Coordinated Attack on Opposing QB's

3rd Down Defense: Inexpensive Ways to Manipulate Protection

John Perry

Nixa HS, MO

Head Coach

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

2 Point Plays & Gadgets and How to Practice Them

Drew Smith

Archie HS, MO

Head Coach

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

8-Man: The Pin & Pull Offense

8-Man: Multiple Formations to Dictate Defense Fronts & Still Run the Ball

8-Man: Passing Attack out of the Pin & Pull Offense

Rick Stewart

Calipatria HS, CA

Co-Head Coach

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Individual & Team Off-Practice Drills to Get 3 Reps Per Minute: Get Better with Scheme Specific Drills & Always Have Competitive Scout Teams Even When at Small Schools

Matt Webb

Maryville HS, MO

Head Coach

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Husker Front 7 as a 4-3 Defense

LB Play in the 4-3 Defense

Secondary Coverage in the 4-3 Defense

Panel Session

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

30 Rapid-Fire Culture Building Ideas

Curtis Jasper - Head Coach, Joplin HS, MO

Rashawn Harvey - Head Coach, Kearney Catholic HS, NE

Sam Knopik - Head Coach, Pembroke Hill HS, MO

Saturday Afternoon

Session 1

1:30 - 2:20 PM

Session 2

2:45 - 3:35 PM

Session 3

4:00 - 4:50 PM

Sean Birks

Audubon HS, IA

Head Coach

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Alignment & Assignment out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense

Zone Coverages vs. Various Formations & Motions out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense

8-Man Off-Season & In-Season Defensive Game Planning

Pat Fox

Notre Dame Prep, MI

Head Coach

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Multiple Forms of Inside Zone with Common Sense RPOs That Move the Sticks out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Utilizing Counter Schemes with Bash Concept & RPOs out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Spacing Concepts Complete with QB Reads out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Tommy Gilleran

Lake Hamilton HS, AR

Head Coach

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Overview of the Lake Hamilton Wing-T Offense: Philosophy (Gun & UC), Formations/Motions, & Utilizing Personnel

Lake Hamilton Wing-T Run Game: Sweep, Trap, Gut, Counter, & Sally

Lake Hamilton Wing-T Pass Game: Waggle, Roll Pass, Screens, & Flood Concept

Sammy Lawanson

Bowling Green

Co-DC/O-LB Coach

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Bowling Green Tackling Circuits for All Positions

LB Fundamentals

LB Block Destruction & Tackling

Rick Roberts

Central Oklahoma

Asst Coach

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Mesh Concept out of the UCO Multiple Spread/Air Raid Offense

4 Vertical & Deep Choice out of the UCO Multiple Spread/Air Raid Offense

Quick Game & RPO's out of the UCO Multiple Spread/Air Raid Offense

Zac Sias


Asst Coach

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

YOUTH TOPIC: Pass Protection vs Even & Odd Fronts

YOUTH TOPIC: D-Line Fundamentals

YOUTH TOPIC: Practice Structure

Rick Stewart

Calipatria HS, CA

Co-Head Coach

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

4-2-5/3-4 Alignment & Assignment: Using Split Field Recognition, Teach a Few Formation Rules to Line Up Against Any Formation, & Teach Your D-Line a Few Basic Rules to Get in Any Front

4-2-5/3-4 Run Defense: Teaching Stimulus-Response Reactions in the Pre-Season to the D-Line & LB to Defend Any Run Play During the Season

Over 20 Tackling Drills & 8 Pursuit Drills for Every Position & Any Defense

James Vint

Estacado HS, TX

Former OC

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Dominating with the 3-3-5/3-5-3 Defense: Mastering Gap Responsibilities and Cultivating Championship-Level Pursuit

Unleashing Havoc on the Pass Game from the 3-3-5/3-5-3 Defense: Disrupting the Offense with Unified Coverages & 4, 5 & 6-Man Pressures

Building Character & Culture with the R.E.A.L. Man Program

Keyan Williams


Asst Coach

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

WR Development: Catching Drills

WR Development: Drills & Technique for Top of the Route

Saturday Evening

Session 1

6:50 - 7:40 PM

Session 2

7:45 - 8:35 PM

Pat Fox

Notre Dame Prep, MI

Head Coach

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Creating a Defensive Culture Through Pursuit & Fundamental Tackling

The Defensive Coordinator's Weekly Plan From Film Study to Call Sheet

Matt Jones

Kentucky Country Day, KY

Head Coach

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Game Planning in The Flexbone: What To Look For & What Not To Do

Developing Leadership with a Senior Unity Council & Paying Attention to Mental Health

Paul Kempf

Friends University (KS)


ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Redzone Defense: Their Options Shrink, Yours Don’t Have To

Coverage Concepts: Friends Spin on Fire Zones

Rick Stewart

Calipatria HS, CA

Co-Head Coach

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Combining Air Raid with the Wing-T With Emphasis on Cross & Mesh Concepts

O-Line: Using Homer's Diary to Mass Teach All the Blocks at a 4-Rep Per Minute Pace with Complete Sled Progression: Using 2-on-1 & 2-on-2 to Teach Combo Blocks and Using half Line to Run One Play vs. Every Front for Both 1st & 2nd String in Less Than 5 Minutes

February 8

Saturday Early Morning- FCA Coaches Meet-Up

Session 1

7:15 - 8:00 AM

Next Play: Preparing Your Program For What's Next

Todd Berck

Football Representative

Presented by Fellowship of Christian Athletes

ROOM: Crown Center Food Court

Saturday Morning

Session 1

8:30 - 9:20 AM

Building O-Line Standing Operating Procedures "S.O.P.S" for Zone, Gap, & Slide Scheme

Cooper Bassett

Co-O-Line Coach

Oklahoma State

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Winning the Field Position Battle & Setting the Tempo with Effective 4x6 Layer Kickoff Coverage & Alley/Sideline Kickoff Returns: Skills, Drills, & Schemes

Chuck Hepola

Head Coach

Evangel University (MO)

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

DB Press Technique

Rickey Hunley

Co-DC/CB Coach


ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Starting Out in the Flexbone: Base Plays, Wristbands, & Practice Organization

Matt Jones

Head Coach

Kentucky Country Day, KY

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

What Is Open? How to Accelerate Offensive Game Planning

Dub Maddox

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Building D-Line Indy From the Ground Up

Ryan Osborn

D-Line Coach

Oklahoma State

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

2 Point Plays & Gadgets and How to Practice Them

John Perry

Head Coach

Nixa HS, MO

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

8-Man: The Pin & Pull Offense

Drew Smith

Head Coach

Archie HS, MO

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Husker Front 7 as a 4-3 Defense

Matt Webb

Head Coach

Maryville HS, MO

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Session 2

9:45 - 10:35 AM

Building an Every Down RB with Essential Drills & Fundamentals, Including Ball Security

Brian Anderson

RB Coach

Kansas State

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Creating a Firmer Pocket Based on Defensive Structure for Your O-Line

Cooper Bassett

Co-O-Line Coach

Oklahoma State

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

DB Fundamentals

Rickey Hunley

Co-DC/CB Coach


ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Running the Triple Option in the Flexbone: When, Why, & Especially How

Matt Jones

Head Coach

Kentucky Country Day, KY

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Offensive Game Film: See What Others Don't

Dub Maddox

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

4-Man Rush: Coordinated Attack on Opposing QB's

Ryan Osborn

D-Line Coach

Oklahoma State

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

8-Man: Multiple Formations to Dictate Defense Fronts & Still Run the Ball

Drew Smith

Head Coach

Archie HS, MO

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Individual & Team Off-Practice Drills to Get 3 Reps Per Minute: Get Better with Scheme Specific Drills & Always Have Competitive Scout Teams Even When at Small Schools

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

LB Play in the 4-3 Defense

Matt Webb

Head Coach

Maryville HS, MO

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Session 3

11:00 - 11:50 AM

RB Pass Protection, Route Running, & Weekly Game Prep

Brian Anderson

RB Coach

Kansas State

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Variations of G-Lead for a Spread Offense: O-Line Play, Technique, & Drills

Cooper Bassett

Co-O-Line Coach

Oklahoma State

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Disguising Coverages in the Secondary

Rickey Hunley

Co-DC/CB Coach


ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Midline & Double Option in the Flexbone: Taking the Offense to the Next Level

Matt Jones

Head Coach

Kentucky Country Day, KY

ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Art of Play Calling: Play Ideas & Probabilities

Dub Maddox

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

3rd Down Defense: Inexpensive Ways to Manipulate Protection

Ryan Osborn

D-Line Coach

Oklahoma State

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

8-Man: Passing Attack out of the Pin & Pull Offense

Drew Smith

Head Coach

Archie HS, MO

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Panel Session

30 Rapid-Fire Culture Building Ideas

Curtis Jasper - Head Coach, Joplin HS, MO

Rashawn Harvey - Head Coach, Kearney Catholic HS, NE

Sam Knopik - Head Coach, Pembroke Hill HS, MO

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Secondary Coverage in the 4-3 Defense

Matt Webb

Head Coach

Maryville HS, MO

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Saturday Afternoon

Session 1

1:30 - 2:20 PM

Alignment & Assignment out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense

Sean Birks

Head Coach

Audubon HS, IA

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Multiple Forms of Inside Zone with Common Sense RPOs That Move the Sticks out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Overview of the Lake Hamilton Wing-T Offense: Philosophy (Gun & UC), Formations/Motions, & Utilizing Personnel

Tommy Gilleran

Head Coach

Lake Hamilton HS, AR

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

Bowling Green Tackling Circuits for All Positions

Sammy Lawanson

Co-DC/O-LB Coach

Bowling Green

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Mesh Concept out of the UCO Multiple Spread/Air Raid Offense

Rick Roberts

Asst Coach

Central Oklahoma

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

YOUTH TOPIC: Pass Protection vs Even & Odd Fronts

Zac Sias

Asst Coach


ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

4-2-5/3-4 Alignment & Assignment: Using Split Field Recognition, Teach a Few Formation Rules to Line Up Against Any Formation, & Teach Your D-Line a Few Basic Rules to Get in Any Front

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Dominating with the 3-3-5/3-5-3 Defense: Mastering Gap Responsibilities and Cultivating Championship-Level Pursuit

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

WR Development: Catching Drills

Keyan Williams

Asst Coach


ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Session 2

2:45 - 3:35 PM

Zone Coverages vs. Various Formations & Motions out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense

Sean Birks

Head Coach

Audubon HS, IA

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Utilizing Counter Schemes with Bash Concept & RPOs out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Lake Hamilton Wing-T Run Game: Sweep, Trap, Gut, Counter, & Sally

Tommy Gilleran

Head Coach

Lake Hamilton HS, AR

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

LB Fundamentals

Sammy Lawanson

Co-DC/O-LB Coach

Bowling Green

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

4 Vertical & Deep Choice out of the UCO Multiple Spread/Air Raid Offense

Rick Roberts

Asst Coach

Central Oklahoma

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

YOUTH TOPIC: D-Line Fundamentals

Zac Sias

Asst Coach


ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

4-2-5/3-4 Run Defense: Teaching Stimulus-Response Reactions in the Pre-Season to the D-Line & LB to Defend Any Run Play During the Season

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Unleashing Havoc on the Pass Game from the 3-3-5/3-5-3 Defense: Disrupting the Offense with Unified Coverages & 4, 5 & 6-Man Pressures

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

WR Development: Drills & Technique for Top of the Route

Keyan Williams

Asst Coach


ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Session 3

4:00 - 4:50 PM

8-Man Off-Season & In-Season Defensive Game Planning

Sean Birks

Head Coach

Audubon HS, IA

ROOM: Washington Park Place (Lobby Level)

Spacing Concepts Complete with QB Reads out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Lake Hamilton Wing-T Pass Game: Waggle, Roll Pass, Screens, & Flood Concept

Tommy Gilleran

Head Coach

Lake Hamilton HS, AR

ROOM: Shawnee Mission (Ballroom Level)

LB Block Destruction & Tackling

Sammy Lawanson

Co-DC/O-LB Coach

Bowling Green

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Quick Game & RPO's out of the UCO Multiple Spread/Air Raid Offense

Rick Roberts

Asst Coach

Central Oklahoma

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

YOUTH TOPIC: Practice Structure

Zac Sias

Asst Coach


ROOM: Roanoke (Ballroom Level)

Over 20 Tackling Drills & 8 Pursuit Drills for Every Position & Any Defense

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Pershing East/West (Ballroom Level)

Building Character & Culture with the R.E.A.L. Man Program

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Pershing North/South (Ballroom Level)

Saturday Evening

Session 1

6:50 - 7:40 PM

Creating a Defensive Culture Through Pursuit & Fundamental Tackling

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Game Planning in The Flexbone: What To Look For & What Not To Do

Matt Jones

Head Coach

Kentucky Country Day, KY

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Redzone Defense: Their Options Shrink, Yours Don’t Have To

Paul Kempf


Friends University (KS)

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

Combining Air Raid with the Wing-T With Emphasis on Cross & Mesh Concepts

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Session 2

7:45 - 8:35 PM

The Defensive Coordinator's Weekly Plan From Film Study to Call Sheet

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Developing Leadership with a Senior Unity Council & Paying Attention to Mental Health

Matt Jones

Head Coach

Kentucky Country Day, KY

ROOM: Century B (Ballroom Level)

Coverage Concepts: Friends Spin on Fire Zones

Paul Kempf


Friends University (KS)

ROOM: Liberty (Ballroom Level)

O-Line: Using Homer's Diary to Mass Teach All the Blocks at a 4-Rep Per Minute Pace with Complete Sled Progression: Using 2-on-1 & 2-on-2 to Teach Combo Blocks and Using half Line to Run One Play vs. Every Front for Both 1st & 2nd String in Less Than 5 Minutes

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

  Sunday   February 9

Sunday Morning

Session 1

8:30 - 9:20 AM

Session 2

9:25 - 10:15 AM

Pat Fox

Notre Dame Prep, MI

Head Coach

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Pace, Space, & RPO's out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

2 Vertical Concepts & 2 Dynamic Screens out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

James Vint

Estacado HS, TX

Former OC

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Developing a Dominant Defensive Game Plan

Building the Foundation of an Attacking Gap Control Defense

February 9

Sunday Morning

Session 1

8:30 - 9:20 AM

Pace, Space, & RPO's out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Developing a Dominant Defensive Game Plan

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)

Session 2

9:25 - 10:15 AM

2 Vertical Concepts & 2 Dynamic Screens out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

ROOM: Century C (Ballroom Level)

Building the Foundation of an Attacking Gap Control Defense

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

ROOM: Century A (Ballroom Level)



In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our 8-man specialty clinic will have you listen to other small program coaches on their schemes, drills, formations, and strategies to become the best 8-Man program in your state.


In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our 8-man specialty clinic will have you listen to other small program coaches on their schemes, drills, formations, and strategies to become the best 8-Man program in your state.

Mitch Engelken

Johnson-Brock HS, NE

Head Coach

Spread RPO's in 8-Man Football

Friday 1:30 PM

1-Word Play Calls for Up-Tempo Situations in 8-Man Football

Friday 2:45 PM

8-Man Coaches Conversation — Chalk War: Offense vs. Defense

Friday 4:00 PM

Drew Smith

Archie HS, MO

Head Coach

8-Man: The Pin & Pull Offense

Saturday 8:30 AM

8-Man: Multiple Formations to Dictate Defense Fronts & Still Run the Ball

Saturday 9:45 AM

8-Man: Passing Attack out of the Pin & Pull Offense

Saturday 11:00 AM

Sean Birks

Audubon HS, IA

Head Coach

Alignment & Assignment out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense

Saturday 1:30 PM

Zone Coverages vs. Various Formations & Motions out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense

Saturday 2:45 PM

8-Man Off-Season & In-Season Defensive Game Planning

Saturday 4:00 PM

Sean Birks

Head Coach

Audubon HS, IA

Alignment & Assignment out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense
Saturday 1:30 PM

Zone Coverages vs. Various Formations & Motions out of a 3-2-3 Base 8-Man Defense
Saturday 2:45 PM

8-Man Off-Season & In-Season Defensive Game Planning
Saturday 4:00 PM

Mitch Engelken

Head Coach

Johnson-Brock HS, NE

Spread RPO's in 8-Man Football
Friday 1:30 PM

1-Word Play Calls for Up-Tempo Situations in 8-Man Football
Friday 2:45 PM

8-Man Coaches Conversation — Chalk War: Offense vs. Defense
Friday 4:00 PM

Drew Smith

Head Coach

Archie HS, MO

8-Man: The Pin & Pull Offense
Saturday 8:30 AM

8-Man: Multiple Formations to Dictate Defense Fronts & Still Run the Ball
Saturday 9:45 AM

8-Man: Passing Attack out of the Pin & Pull Offense
Saturday 11:00 AM


In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our specialty Iron Giants Strength Summit sessions will give you the tools you need to learn from the experts on speed development, power development, in-season/off-season programs, and other aspects of the weight room.


In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our specialty Iron Giants Strength Summit sessions will give you the tools you need to learn from the experts on speed development, power development, in-season/off-season programs, and other aspects of the weight room.

Pat Doyle - Presented by the NHSSCA

Grand Island HS, NE

Head Strength & Cond Coach

Keys to Success: Simple S&C Tools to Improve Football Performance

Friday 9:30 AM

Protecting the Football Athlete: Injury Mitigation & Enhanced Performance Through Exercise Selection

Friday 10:40 AM

Joe Belden - Presented by RackCoach

Friends University (KS)

Asst AD of Athletic Performance

Optimization of In-Season Training: Using Clusters, Oscillations, Performance Cycling & Dynamic Power Potentiation to Optimize Performance Transfer & Recovery

Friday 11:50 AM

Sam McGriff - Presented by RackCoach

Pembroke Hill HS, MO

Head Strength & Cond Coach

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Programming - Understanding Periodization & Choosing the Right Program for Your School (Exploring 5/3/1, Conjugate, & Tier System)

Friday 1:30 PM

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Implementing a Strength & Conditioning Program & Creating Culture

Friday 2:45 PM

Joe Belden - Presented by RackCoach

Asst AD of Athletic Performance

Friends University (KS)

Optimization of In-Season Training: Using Clusters, Oscillations, Performance Cycling & Dynamic Power Potentiation to Optimize Performance Transfer & Recovery
Friday 11:50 AM

Pat Doyle - Presented by the NHSSCA

Head Strength & Cond Coach

Grand Island HS, NE

Keys to Success: Simple S&C Tools to Improve Football Performance
Friday 9:30 AM

Protecting the Football Athlete: Injury Mitigation & Enhanced Performance Through Exercise Selection
Friday 10:40 AM

Sam McGriff - Presented by RackCoach

Head Strength & Cond Coach

Pembroke Hill HS, MO

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Programming - Understanding Periodization & Choosing the Right Program for Your School (Exploring 5/3/1, Conjugate, & Tier System)
Friday 1:30 PM

IRON GIANTS STRENGTH SUMMIT: Implementing a Strength & Conditioning Program & Creating Culture
Friday 2:45 PM


In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our Coordinator School sessions will give you the tools to take you to the next level with topics covering a variety of areas, including game planning, practice planning, game situations, and leading a staff.


In addition to our regular sessions and speakers, our Coordinator School sessions will give you the tools to take you to the next level with topics covering a variety of areas, including game planning, practice planning, game situations, and leading a staff.

Jace McDown

Emporia State

Co-DC/DB Coach

Building Your Weekly Defensive Game Plan

Friday 2:45 PM

Josh Lamberson

Central Missouri

Head Coach

Offensive Game Planning & Weekly Scheduling

Friday 2:45 PM

James Vint

Estacado HS, TX

Former OC

Offensive In-Game Management: Coach Communication, Box vs. Sideline, Player Communication on Sideline, Half-Time Adjustments, & Offensive Situations to Prepare For

Friday 4:00 PM

Developing a Dominant Defensive Game Plan

Sunday 8:30 AM

Rodney Flowers

Bixby HS, OK


Defending Condensed & Empty out of the 3-4 Defense

Friday 4:00 PM

Chuck Hepola

Evangel University (MO)

Head Coach

Evangel University Special Teams Philosophy, Staff Organization, and Practice Organization & Structure

Friday 6:00 PM

Paul Kempf

Friends University (KS)


Blitz Families: You Do Not Have to Guess the Perfect Pressure

Friday 6:00 PM

Defense Practice Planning: Teaching Concepts with No Scout Offense 

Friday 7:15 PM

Redzone Defense: Their Options Shrink, Yours Don’t Have To

Saturday 6:50 PM

Dub Maddox

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

What Is Open? How to Accelerate Offensive Game Planning

Saturday 8:30 AM

Offensive Game Film: See What Others Don't

Saturday 9:45 AM

Art of Play Calling: Play Ideas & Probabilities

Saturday 11:00 AM

John Perry

Nixa HS, MO

Head Coach

2 Point Plays & Gadgets and How to Practice Them

Saturday 8:30 AM

Rick Stewart

Calipatria HS, CA

Co-Head Coach

Individual & Team Off-Practice Drills to Get 3 Reps Per Minute: Get Better with Scheme Specific Drills & Always Have Competitive Scout Teams Even When at Small Schools

Saturday 9:45 AM

Over 20 Tackling Drills & 8 Pursuit Drills for Every Position & Any Defense

Saturday 4:00 PM

Ryan Osborn

Oklahoma State

D-Line Coach

3rd Down Defense: Inexpensive Ways to Manipulate Protection

Saturday 11:00 AM

Sammy Lawanson

Bowling Green

Co-DC/O-LB Coach

Bowling Green Tackling Circuits for All Positions

Saturday 1:30 PM

Pat Fox

Notre Dame Prep, MI

Head Coach

Spacing Concepts Complete with QB Reads out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System

Saturday 4:00 PM

Creating a Defensive Culture Through Pursuit & Fundamental Tackling

Saturday 6:50 PM

The Defensive Coordinator's Weekly Plan From Film Study to Call Sheet

Saturday 7:45 PM

Matt Jones

Kentucky Country Day, KY

Head Coach

Game Planning in The Flexbone: What To Look For & What Not To Do

Saturday 6:50 PM

Rodney Flowers


Bixby HS, OK

Defending Condensed & Empty out of the 3-4 Defense
Friday 4:00 PM

Pat Fox

Head Coach

Notre Dame Prep, MI

Spacing Concepts Complete with QB Reads out of the Foxfire Up-Tempo Spread System
Saturday 4:00 PM

Creating a Defensive Culture Through Pursuit & Fundamental Tackling
Saturday 6:50 PM

The Defensive Coordinator's Weekly Plan From Film Study to Call Sheet
Saturday 7:45 PM

Chuck Hepola

Head Coach

Evangel University (MO)

Evangel University Special Teams Philosophy, Staff Organization, and Practice Organization & Structure
Friday 6:00 PM

Matt Jones

Head Coach

Kentucky Country Day, KY

Game Planning in The Flexbone: What To Look For & What Not To Do
Saturday 6:50 PM

Paul Kempf


Friends University (KS)

Blitz Families: You Do Not Have to Guess the Perfect Pressure
Friday 6:00 PM

Defense Practice Planning: Teaching Concepts with No Scout Offense 
Friday 7:15 PM

Redzone Defense: Their Options Shrink, Yours Don’t Have To
Saturday 6:50 PM

Josh Lamberson

Head Coach

Central Missouri

Offensive Game Planning & Weekly Scheduling
Friday 2:45 PM

Sammy Lawanson

Co-DC/O-LB Coach

Bowling Green

Bowling Green Tackling Circuits for All Positions
Saturday 1:30 PM

Dub Maddox

Asst Head Coach/QB Coach

Union HS, OK/R4 Football System

What Is Open? How to Accelerate Offensive Game Planning
Saturday 8:30 AM

Offensive Game Film: See What Others Don't
Saturday 9:45 AM

Art of Play Calling: Play Ideas & Probabilities
Saturday 11:00 AM

Jace McDown

Co-DC/DB Coach

Emporia State

Building Your Weekly Defensive Game Plan
Friday 2:45 PM

Ryan Osborn

D-Line Coach

Oklahoma State

3rd Down Defense: Inexpensive Ways to Manipulate Protection
Saturday 11:00 AM

John Perry

Head Coach

Nixa HS, MO

2 Point Plays & Gadgets and How to Practice Them
Saturday 8:30 AM

Rick Stewart

Co-Head Coach

Calipatria HS, CA

Individual & Team Off-Practice Drills to Get 3 Reps Per Minute: Get Better with Scheme Specific Drills & Always Have Competitive Scout Teams Even When at Small Schools
Saturday 9:45 AM

Over 20 Tackling Drills & 8 Pursuit Drills for Every Position & Any Defense
Saturday 4:00 PM

James Vint

Former OC

Estacado HS, TX

Offensive In-Game Management: Coach Communication, Box vs. Sideline, Player Communication on Sideline, Half-Time Adjustments, & Offensive Situations to Prepare For
Friday 4:00 PM

Developing a Dominant Defensive Game Plan
Sunday 8:30 AM

Hotel Information

The Westin Kansas City at Crown Center

Feb 7-9 2025

1 East Pershing Rd
Kansas City, MO 64108

Discounted Room Rate:

Single/Double: $140.00

Book Room

Reservation Information

Phone: 1(888) 627-8538 - Reference "Glazier Clinics" to receive discounted rate.

Reserve your room by Friday, January 24, 2025 to receive Glazier discounted rate (subject to room availability). After this date rate will depend on hotel availability.

Location & Parking

The Westin Kansas City at Crown Center

1 East Pershing Rd
Kansas City, MO 64108


Self-parking will be discounted 50% off published pricing, per day, for overnight guests only.

41 FOOTBALL CLINICS With 41 football clinics in 2025 Glazier has the largest selection of in-person and online clinics.
3,000 HOURS OF TRAINING 24/7 access to the Glazier Drive digital library complete with 48 complete coaching systems.
2,600 UNIQUE SESSIONS 2025 Glazier Clinics will have over 2,600 unique sessions covering a wide variety of topics.
700 WINNING SPEAKERS We hand-select winning coaches from across the country to bring you the best in the game.