Winning the Moment of Truth for DBs: Punch, Pull, Rip Technique - Jay Valai

When teaching press man coverage, the top of the route is just as important as anything else. Jay Valai calls the top of the route "the moment of truth."

In the video below, Coach Valai, who is Co-Defensive Coordinator at Oklahoma, goes through his Punch, Pull, Rip technique for Defensive Backs for that moment of Truth.  In addition, he goes through some practice drills and the technique he teaches in their press coverage scheme.

The video is a portion of Coach Valai's clinic on Glazier Drive: DB Press Man Ideology & Drills

Oklahoma teaches PPR—punch, pull, rip. A lot of people talk about hook and SWAT.

Coach V believes that anytime you hook first, the receiver knows you're there. They're going to tighten up and understand that as well too. So the big thing I teach is punch, pull—pull to secure, and rip the finishing.

Punch to the window, pull to secure the tackle, rip down the frame, rip down the frame to get the ball out.

Always punch opposite the pull. Punch opposite the pull.

A lot of guys look over their shoulder. They need to look up into the sky, get a bigger peripheral, all right, to see the football, to find the football.

Don't look over your shoulder, look up, see the big picture perspective, which is what I call Panasonic Vision.

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