J Turn/Speed Chop Techniques for Wide Receivers  - Gunter Brewer

Our video details the J Turn/Speed Chop technique for a Wide Receiver at the top of his break.  The presenter is Gunter Brewer, University of Maryland Wide Receiver Coach and Passing Game Coordinator.

His entire presentation is available at this link WR Break Points at the Top of the Break: J Turns on Glazier Drive

Check below the videos for a few more takeaways from his talk.


Break points is a term used to describe the cut or turn at the top of the route---where the depth or indication should be.

Some of the most commonly used cuts are: Speed Cut, Speed Chop or J Turn, Square Cut, and Angle Cut.  It is the step that lets the Quarterback know when to throw the ball.

A Speed Chop/J Turn is an indicator type technique that has a Speed Break component-a hybrid.  A receive will use his speed into the break point while using a hybrd Square/Angle type of cut/turn.  There is a limited break point time period, so the Wide Receiver must use this technique wisely.

A Wide Receiver must stay friendly to the quarterback by shaving the route or flatting--never drifting away from the throw.  By having a great upper body violence, arm action, and great footwork in and out of the break point--the transition will be seamless. 

The Wide Receiver will have no tips for the Defensive Back.  Common issues are a lot of choppy steps, and bad arm action (beating the drum, airplane, parchute).

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