Teach Punters to Maximize Distance & Directional Accuracy with These Techniques & Drills - John Zima

One way to improve your kicking game is to make sure that your punters are fundamentally sound.  That will help maximize the distance on their kicks and their ability to put the ball where you want it placed.

Below, "Kick It" owner and kicking coach John Zima shows you what he teaches and expects of his punters.  You will be able to see his fundamentals checklist along with some of the drills and techniques he uses to get 

His clinic on Glazier Drive "Fundamentals of Kicking & Punting with Key Drills" includes the same information for FG/PAT and kickoffs as well as more details for punters.


Key Phrases for Fundamentals of Punting:

🏈Flexibility of punting motion
🏈Two step punter
🏈Catch out front
🏈Drop is initiated at the belt line
🏈Drop arm positioned on hip
🏈Recoil height - heel to butt
🏈Pendulum swing
🏈Finish over right eye - above the head - "knee must hit you in the nose'"
🏈Explode off the left foot






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