Football Coach Resources

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Free Football Drills (29)

Defensive Line Sprint-Out Contain, Alley, Pursuit Drill

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell

Defensive Line Swim Over Drill

Same as rip through, but your inside arm will come over the top of the blocker's shoulder, as if...

Defensive Line Bull Rush Drill

Used as a strong surge over the outside shoulder of an offensive blocker.

Defensive Line Seat Rolls and Crab Drill

Purpose: To teach agility and reaction.

Defensive Down Linemen Drill Tips

1. Always line up with your feet well underneath you so that you are ready to fight pressure from...

Linebacker Angle Run Drill

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell

Linebacker Reads and Keys

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell

Defensive Line Essentials for Good Defensive Line Drills

1. Stance - A defensive lineman must have good body position with proper weight distribution in...

Defensive Line Pass Rush Philosophy

1. Pass Rush Philosophy

A. Drills that put pressure on passer with spirit and aggressiveness.

Defensive Line Pass Rush Versus the Loop Drill

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell

Defensive Line Club and Turn Drill

Use Jet technique from a three point stance, driving the heel of the hand on the side of your first...

Defensive Line Weave Through Bags Drill

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell