Stress the Defense with Multiple Triple Option Attacks - Landon Grove

If you are looking for a way to stress the defense, you have to check out Landon Grove's presentation on Glaizer Drive: Multiple Triple Option Attacks out of the Spread

Landon is the Head Coach at West Catholic HS (MI).  The video below is a 10-minute segment from his entire clinic.

There are some key notes from the presentation below the video.  The coaching point that you have to hear is his concept of "Give it until you can't."  That is what they teach their quarterbacks on all option plays to simplify the decision making.

On all of their triple option teaching:

  • The OLINE is responsible for C gap to C gap. Read keys are based on the idea that the oline has that responsibility. They are responsible for Power, Coutner, GT, and Duo.

  • D Gap players and second-level defenders are the responsibility of the play caller by keeping them honest and forcing them to respect other parts of the offense.

Install Process

  • All runs are installed without any option tags.  They start by teaching power and straight up counter.

  • They add complimentary runs once power and counter are introduced.

  • Duo scheme is added after Gap scheme is installed.

  • Add RPOs, Double Options, and Triple Options to each scheme.

  • Power: Power Read, Jet Read, Toss Read, and RPOs

  • GT and Duo: Double Options, Triple Options, and RPOs

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