How to Trick the Defense with This Reverse to Wheel Route Pass Play - Rick Darlington

Rick Darlington, Head Coach, Deland High School (Florida)

This reverse play is a part of his presentation:

Trick or Treat: 40 of Our Best Trick Plays Over the Years of Any Offense

on Glazier Drive.


Some thoughts from Coach Darlington about trick plays:

Practice the plays from the first day of practice and rep them every day for 10 minutes.

He uses these plays as a part of the warmup.

Run these plays on "air defenders." The scout team will either "play the play" or will be totally fooled as they are not first team defenders. They have coaches line up where key defensive players would be and coach their offensive players from those defensive positions.

They do a period of best on best and run their special plays live at that time.

For your trick plays to succeed, the linemen must have their eyes focused downfield.



Tags: Offense

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