Football Coaching Resources from Glazier Clinics

How to Stop the Run with an Undersized Defense - Donald Gelsomino

Written by Glazier Football | May 17, 2024 7:06:09 PM

Regardless of what defensive scheme you run, the concepts in this presentation will help an undersized defense to be able to stop the run.

York High School (Illinois) Head Coach Donald Gelsomino presents on how they scheme to stop a bigger opponent from being able to run the ball on them.  His entire clinic is available on  Glazier Drive.

We have listed some of the foundations of his approach below the video.


  • You have to be able to stop the run if you want to make a run (Post-season).
  • The more defensive linemen you can have head up, the better.
  • Force outside and deep throws while having FS help.
  • Get as many players in the box as possible.
  • Let your defensive line make plays and not have to think.
  • What gives offenses the most headaches?  As a former OC, I build our defense around this.
  • Simple = Fast.
  • Do not let the offense do what they want.
  • When small get the runner or lead blockers to STOP THEIR FEET.