How to Find A Long Snapper and Set Performance Expectations - Kyle Stelter

Finding the best long snapper, coaching them to be consistent, and finding time for them to practice are challenges every season.

In the video below, Coach Kyle Stelter, the founder of Special Teams University provides some ideas to help with each of those areas.

The video segment was taken from his Glazier Drive clinic Introducing Long Snapping to Your Athletes: Long Snapping 101

Let your athletes know that:

  1. The kicker and punter are only as good as their long snapper.
  2. Inconsistent long snaps create major issues.
  3. You will set aside some time to work on their skills before, after, or during practice.

Responsibilites of a long snapper

  1. Consistently placing the ball between the punter's chest and mid-thigh.
  2. They are consistent with their speed.  The ball should be on a straight line and not an arc.
  3. For high school the time from snapper to punter or holder should be .7 to .8 seconds.
  4. Perfect laces for holder on extra point or field goal.
  5. Block or release depending on your scheme.  Play toward the snapper's strength.

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