Defensive Linebacker: Counter Step and T-Step Drill

Using Rogers bags, improve your movement by practicing these two steps.


Counter Step Drill:

- The drill starts off with the player in a traditional linebacker stance in between 2 bags on the field

- On the coach's command, the player will pull step to the left and counter step to the right, ending up facing the right bag

- The linebacker should then keep a steady base while moving forward over the bag, emphasizing balance

- Once clearing the bag, the coach will call for the player to shuffle to the left and/or right while maintaining a good base and proper position


T-Step Drill:

- Starting in a proper stance, the player will T-step with their right foot on the coach's whistle and then move towards the left bag

- Step forward over the bag while maintaining a good base and balance

- Once clearing the bag, the coach will call for the player to shuffle to the left and/or right while maintaining a good base and proper position

Courtesy of Rogers Athletic

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