Offensive Line Daily Technique and Conditioning Workout Drills

The following technique and conditioning workout should be followed on a every other day basis if at all possible. 

This workout consists of five different sets to be completed one right after the other, with a two minute rest in between sets. Can be followed throughout the year and completed on their own. The drills listed in the following five sets have been mentioned throughout the offensive drill section.

Set 1

5 Yard Sprint
40 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
10 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Backwards Duck Walk
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Left
20 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
40 Yard Sprint
5 Yard Backwards Duck Walk
Rest 2 Minutes

Set 2

40 Yard Sprint
10 Yard Sprint
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Right
15 Yard Backwards Duck Walk
20 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
5 Yard Backwards Duck Walk
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Left
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
40 Yard Sprint
Rest 2 Minutes

Set 3

10 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
40 Yard Sprint
40 Yard Sprint
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Left
15 Yard Duck Walk Backwards
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Right
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
20 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
Rest 2 Minutes

Set 4

5 Yard Duck Walk Backwards
40 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Forwards
20 Yard Sprint
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Left
15 Yard Duck Walk Backwards
10 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk
40 Yard Sprint
5 Yard Sprint
Rest 2 Minutes


40 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Forward
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Left
5 Yard Duck Walk Backwards
15 Yard Duck Walk Forwards
20 Yard Sprint
15 Yard Duck Walk Backwards
10 Yard Slide Shuffle Right
10 Yard Sprint
40 Yard Sprint
Rest 2 Minutes


One of the most important aspects of your offensive line's ability to perform is their ability to out technique their opponent. The five sets of drills listed above should coincide with your indi

vidual running and conditioning program. The drills listed above should be followed at least three times per week and then on a daily bases as they near the start of football season. The drills listed above, if completed properly will most definitely prepare your offensive line and condition them at the same time. To complete the following set of drills, is not easy, but if your o

ffensive linemen want the upper hand on beating their opponents or even to win a starting position they must be made to be important.

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell

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