Linebacker Backpedal Shuffle and Plant Drill

Linebacker Backpedal, Shuffle and Plant Drill

Illustration of Linebacker Backpedal Shuffle and Plant Drill

The Linebacker Backpedal, Shuffle and Plant Drill was designed to help train a variety of different types of commonly used movements. Mastering these movements will unlock a linebacker’s ability to react to what the offense presents and make the proper play.

The drill begins with the player taking his freeze step and then shifting into a backpedal. Once reaching the end of the bag, players will sink their hips and go into a shuffle movement. Player should always keep his shoulder square and his eyes on the coach.

Once into the shuffle, the player should maintain a great base with feet shoulder-width apart and arms pumping, never crossing the feet over. On the plant, the player will plant the foot to the direction of their movement and drive off. Sprint as hard as possible to the end of the bag, plant feet, and then shuffle.

Finish the drill by sprinting a hard five yards past the end of the bags, giving full effort until the end.

Coaching Point: The player should start with a good two-point stance; proper stance should always be reinforced at this point.

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