Defensive Back Screen Tips

1. Quarterback takes excessive drop, gets too deep to quickly.

2. Linemen slips defenders off blocks and leaves area to form screen.

3. Running back's slip blocks and makes poor effort to block rushers.

Zone Coverage Tips For Developing Drills

1. On the snap of the ball key receivers.

2. Never allow a receiver to get behind a defender when he has deep zone coverage.

3. A defender in zone coverage should go only as wide and as deep as he has to in order to cover his responsibility.

4. See the ball - the defenders attention should be directed towards the passer and he should see the receivers. Keep head on a swivel and be able to shift your eyes.

5. "Ball" - "Bingo" - "Oskie" - "Snatch" are calls that can be used to indicate an interception has been made.

6. Most interceptions are made as the defender moves forward for the ball.

7. A tipped ball should be an interception if defender is hustling ( 50% of all tipped balls are intercepted ).

8. Intercept all passes at their highest point. Do not wait for the ball to come down - go get it.

9. Ball reaction is paramount to successful zone pass defense.

10. Instill the importance of communication. Talk to your teammates; help each other.

11. When responsible for a short zone, gamble for the interception.

12. When responsible for deep zone, defender should never go in front of the intended receiver unless he can get both hands on the ball.

13. Be aware of the red zone ( 20 yards and in ) - short defenders should be no closer than 6 yards to the sideline until the ball is thrown in that area.

14. Interference results when a defender plays the receiver rather than the ball.

15. The free safety in cover 3 and both safeties in cover 2 should keep all receivers in front of them.

16. Corner's responsible for the outside 1/3 should never take an inside fake, because you will always have help on the post route from the deep 1/3 safety.

17. Always remember when working drills that break on the ball to drive on a straight line not a circular one.

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell

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