8 Point Perfect Pre-Snap Execution for Quarterbacks - Scott Isphording

Developing a Quarterback's mental and game management skills is critical to being a good offensive team.  Ohio University Offensive Coordinator and Quarterbacks Coach Scott Isphording takes you through 8 pre-snap points that you must cover with your Quarterback.

The video below is a part of his clinic from Glazier Drive: Developing a QB's Mental & Game Management Skills

Check below the video for some notes from the presentation.

Know the Scoreboard

  • The Game Clock (1st half, 2nd half, 2 minute drill, 4 minute situations, Timeouts remaining)
  • The Score.  (The QB goes through progressions differently early in the game than you do late in the game)
  • Down and Distance (The same play becomes different plays depending on down and distance)
  • Field Position (You attack differently depending on where you are on the field)
  • The Play Clock (How to communicate with line to avoid delay of game or using a timeout)

Xs and Os (Offense and Defense)

  • Tempo or cadence (How do you want to mix it up)
  • Formations (Motions & Shifts, help other players line up legally)
  • The Play (What is the purpose of the play? Ohio U divides their playbook into explosive plays and efficient plays




Tags: Quarterback

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