You're going to want to incorporate these four functional quarterback drills into your EDD. Zach Riepma, Offensive Coordinator at Alama College is the clinician.
The entire clinic on Functional QB Drills is available only on Glazier Drive.
The drills you will see in the except are:
Grenade Coil
Grenade 1 Step
Grenade 2 Step
Grenade Progression
Zach believes in training individual quarterbacks to optimize their individual biomechanical functional movements.
They do not have a specific foot width that they teach. They teach the players to be comfortable. As they are working to find that width, he teaches to error on the side of being a little too wide. That allows the quarterback to get the ball out quicker because he doesn't have to take as long of a step.
The image below illustrates what he is looking for biomechanically in their stances.
U = Upper Body Chain (in horizontal alignment)
L = Lower Body Chain (in vertical alignment)
P= Position of Power (created through the feet and the core)
B= Base