Linebackers will miss fewer tackles when they keep their shoulders square to the line of scrimmage. Craig Stenbroten, Defensive Coordinator at
Wisconsin-Oshkosh shows you practice video and game application of drills he use to teach his linebackers to stay square.
The video is a part of Coach Stenbroten's presentation on Inside LB Drills out of a 3-4 Defense. The entire presentation is available on Glazier Drive.
Guidelines to a Good Stance:
- Feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
- Weight on the inside and front of the foot.
- Bend in knees and hips.
- Knees Over Toes.
- If it works, why change it?
- Goal should be zero to as few false steps as possible.
- Getting out of a low stance can waste movement.
- Make sure your drills fits your practice structure.
- Problem solving Approach to drills.
- We have to think outside of the box and service ourselves.
- Believe in progressions, start with end result work your way back.
- Do Drills that matter, put LB's in situations they will see games.
- Improve overall athleticism while stressing techniques
- Feed back; Listen to what drills your LB's like.
- Keep track of what drills you are doing.
- Don't be afraid to Change or try new things.