Online Clinic
Replay Available
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- 13 Sessions ~ 9 Hours over 3 days
- Led by 4 top-notch football coaches and experts.
- Enhance your techniques, strategies, and overall game performance.
- Interactive drills, insightful demonstrations, and personalized feedback.
- Designed for coaches of any experience and level.
Monday, April 15th
Bart CurtisHead CoachWarsaw HS, IN |
Watch Replay | Sharpening the Bone: Year Round "Tiger Bone" Preparation to Guarantee Effective In-Season Flexbone Operations |
Watch Replay | Keeping True Triple Option Alive: Adaptations, Schemes, & Adjustments We've Made to Keep Inside Veer Our #1 Play |
Watch Replay | Saving Rocket out of the Tiger Bone: The Variations & Tweaks That Literally Took This Play off Life Support |
Watch Replay |
Welcome to O-Line Practice: A Week of Drills, Preparation, Film, & Philosophy to Ready Our Flexbone Linemen for Battle |
Tuesday, April 16th
Scott Dieterich20-Year Flexbone Offensive Coordinator |
Watch Replay | Midline Option (Double & Triple) out of the Flexbone Offense |
Watch Replay | Isolation Series out of the Flexbone Offense |
Watch Replay | Pocket Play-Action Passing Game out of the Flexbone Offense |
Wednesday, April 17th
Adam HodgeHead CoachSouth Point HS, NC |
Replay Unavailable | Redbone Triple Option Offense: A, B & C Gap Triple Option |
Replay Unavailable | Redbone Triple Option Offense: Passing Game & Supplementary Plays |
Replay Unavailable | Redbone O-Line Play for South Point Triple Option Football |
Thursday, April 18th
Tim RuloHead CoachRussellville HS, MO |
Watch Replay | Changing the Culture: How to Install a Run-Based Offense On and Off the Field in Your School and Community |
Watch Replay | Passing for Touchdowns Not Turnovers in the Flexbone Offense |
Watch Replay | Using Tags to Confuse the Defense & Evolve the Flexbone Offense |

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